If you are a leader, realize that you will need to cast a vision and lead your team to where you need to go. Challenge your team to go towards your future-focused vision destination by inspiring them and leading them from the heart. After all you can't get where you need to go, if you don't declare the destination and model the way to get there. After all, it's the right thing to do and it models the way for others.
There is no "I" in sales. You may sell it alone, but in most organizations you need a well oiled operations team to fulfill and/or service what you sell. The best run companies value both sales and operations to exceed customer expectations and adapt to the market demands of the future. So make sure you stop and thank or give a high five or fist bump to the next operations person that helps you succeed at your sales position. It's the right thing to do and after all, you really can't just do it alone. "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " -Acts 20:35 (NIV) Work to get better. I recently saw the quote: "Whatever you are, be a good one." -Abraham Lincoln The only way to be a good one is to work at it to get better. After all, working to get better and being good at what you do is the right thing to do and it models the way for others. Push yourself throughout the month and give yourself an extra push at the end of the month to win. If you can hit your sales numbers by pushing yourself at the end of the month, then chances are that you could push yourself throughout the month and even achieve greater numbers with more consistency. After all pushing yourself consistently is the right thing to do and it models the way for others. Learn to master your trade or craft, whatever it may be. Read, practice/role-play (but don't practice on your customers), and work to get better. It takes time, energy and effort...but it is well worth it. Become a master and model the way for others. After all it's the right thing to do. Make sure that you a thoroughly prepared for your sales meetings and presentations. In today's busy world, business owners's time is valuable and they may say to you in the first 90 seconds... "What do you got," meaning what have you prepared to present to me. It is very important to be prepared before you go in. So be prepared for every sales call and get prepared for life. After all it's the right thing to do and it models the way for others. Only you can create urgency. It can't be trained. It can't be taught. It's up to you. Decide now and make it happen. First through your actions, and the through your words. After all, it's the right thing to do and it models the way for others. Growing up there was a sticker that I used to see often that read "Fear Not." The older I get and more experience I have, the more it makes sense. So many people are scared and fearful. Fear of the unknown, or maybe fear of the known. Regardless of what you think Fear Not is still a good phrase. I believe if you are confident and sure of who you are and who you are not, it is easier to step out into areas where many face fears. So be bold, be brave...and Fear Not. It takes courage. I am reminded of the story about Dr. David Jeremiah who when faced with starting a church in Fort Wayne, IN he read an article in the "Philidelphia Inquirer" about Vince Lombardi, the fabled coach of the Green Bay Packers. (Dr David Jeremiah writes:) "He had just left Wisconsin to become head coch of the struggling Washington Redskins. It was the talk of the sports world: Why would Lombardi leave his spectacularly successful franchise in Green Bay and move to what was then the worst franchise in the NFL? What caught my attention was a line in the middle of the article - a pullout quote from the coach set in bold type: 'I have discovered in my life that it is more challenging to build than to maintain.' I finished my coffee, drove the hour back to Haddon Heights (New Jersey) and told Donna that we were moving to Fort Wayne. God had vanquished my fear of failure..." Be bold, be brave. Are you up for the challenge to build and grow? Excerpts taken from: "What Are You Afraid Of? Facing Down Your Fears With Faith" By David Jeremiah Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. -Philippians 2:3 |
"Modeling the Way" BlogMark A. Watkins is a Region Sales Manager in the Midwest with Rollins, Inc. and strives to Model the Way as a Sales Leader, Teacher, Visionary, Innovator, Problem Solver, Coach and Mentor. Archives
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