So for work do you have fun or do you enjoy what you do? The question is is work meant to be fun or just enjoyable. If you are in a job right now and you're not sure if your job is fun or enjoyable maybe you're not in the right line of work. Because understanding that your job can be enjoyable and occasionally can be fun is a better way to live and it models the way For others.
Stay focused when you're listening. If you see a squirrel outside, ignore it and stay focused on your spouse so you can hear what they're saying. Being able to have good listening skills is important part of communication. I once had a sales manager who said "you have two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you talk." I believe that to be true. Make sure that you stop and listen and avoid distractions like squirrels, because listening and having good communication skills is the right thing to do and it models the way for others. Many years ago I read a book called, All I Every Really Need to Learn I Learned in Kindergarten and from that I learned this phrase; "When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together." and what that teaches is that in kindergarten you learned to hold hands and stick together. That should be a motto throughout your life. When you get married and when you go out in the world, hold hands and stick together. Teach your children to hold their brother's and sister's hands and to hold your hand. Hold your spouse's hand. Reach over and reach out and hold hands. After all sticking together is the right thing to do and it models the way for others. The Little Children and Jesus13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. 14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. Matthew 19: 13-15 So every year I surprise my wife for our anniversary. I've been doing it now for many years now and it adds excitement, some anticipation, and helps create great memories. Whether you create a monthly, semi-annual or annual event, activity, or getaway, the fact that you took the time to put together something special for your spouse will be a cherished moment in time that over a fllifetime can become some of the best times for you and your spouse. So make time and take time to surprise your spouse and turn it into a regular event of surprises. After all it's a better way to do life and bit models the way for others. Bitterness takes a lot of energy from you. When you stop being bitter, you will find that you actually have more energy and that you feel better. Choose your attitude and choose to be happy, optimistic and full of joy. It's a better way to live and it models the way for others. This year was the first year our company celebrated "Take your kid to work day." It was a great experience today for my kids to experience what I do and for other kids and their parents that I work with to experience what their parents do. It is a way for your kids to peer into your world just like you have the opportunities to peer into their world when you visit them at school. Taking your kids to work is a great way to show them what you do and it models the way for your children what it means to work. When you have a great day, follow through to make that happen again. Having a great day is an awesome feeling and it may even be a day that gets you ahead. But just because you have a great day doesn't mean you can take a deep breath and pause the next day. Make sure that you push through and replicate that great day again. Because when you're on fire, strike while the fire's hot and strike again. After all, having multiple great days in a row is a better way to live and showing others how to replicate a great day models the way for others. Be open to getting honest feedback. The best way for you to become better than you were is to understand what you need to focus on. By focusing on and improving a few specific areas or even just one, you can become more of who God wants you to be. But you have to be able to listen, not react, and be open to change. As I once said "change is different ," and when you make changes it will be different , and that's okay. Making changes to become better than you were is not only a sign of humility and faith because it shows you don't have all the answers and do everything perfect, but it's the right thing to do and it models the way for other. A previous manager once told me "be early, if you are on time, then you are late." Being late shows lack of respect for other people's time. Set your alarm clock earlier if needed to make sure you arrive early. Make sure you allow time for accidents and unforeseen abnormal traffic. Being in time is the right thing to do and it models the way for others. |
"Modeling the Way" BlogMark A. Watkins is a Region Sales Manager in the Midwest with Rollins, Inc. and strives to Model the Way as a Sales Leader, Teacher, Visionary, Innovator, Problem Solver, Coach and Mentor. Archives
August 2018
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