When you paint you don't have to stay within the lines, but if you're painting a room in your house you probably should. Taking the extra time to tape it off so the paint doesn't bleed where it shouldn't is well worth it in the long rung from creating extra work. Painting is an art. Rushed painting is a mess. If you have time to prep the room on one day and paint the next, your mind will be fresher for your painting and sticking within the lines. Teach your children the same concept in life, not to rush and the outcome is much better.
"But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." Matthew 23:11 Sharing time with family and creating great memories are some of the best experiences life has to offer. Take time to get to know and share stories with your grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and extended family. Once the generation that is over 55-60 has passed, many of the things they know will be gone. Their generation was a time before the electronic and digital age and most of the records are not available digitally. Figure out as much of your family tree from those over 55, so later on if you want to know anything you can get the answers before the information holders are gone. Passing on to the next generation not just an inheritance, but the family tree knowledge is a way to speak to your family in future generations well after you are gone. It's a step in the right direction to model the way. Make time for the important things like donut days with dad. So this morning I'm off work today and I get the opportunity to take my daughter to school have donuts with my daughter. My two favorite things, my daughter and donuts. It's a time to celebrate our relationship, enjoy time and show her how important she is to me. She was so excited last night when I put her to bed and I told her that I was taking her to school tomorrow and we were having donuts. I'm excited to take time for this important relationship and show my daughter what is really important. It's one more way to model the way and show those you love how important they are and what really matters. When you're assigned a task at work, do it right or do it again. When I was inspecting what I expected yesterday, I discovered that an employee was doing the task I asked them to do incorrectly, so they had to do it again. Make sure to take the extra time when doing a task to do it right. Understand exactly what is being asked of you to get the task done right and then execute at a high level. Then make sure that you're doing it right so you don't have to do it again. It's not a bad idea to ask for your manager to review what you are doing for accuracy early in the task. You may not understand the task being asked of you, but rest assured your manager or leader who has been there longer has done the task more frequently and has a reason for why they are asking you to do the task in the first place. So make sure you take the time to do it right or you may just have to do it again. One of my favorite poems is Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. Here it is for you to read. I ask you to read it several times in a quiet place, when you are not rushed. My second grade teacher and family friend, Roberta, gave it to me when I finished high school. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have over the years. Pass it on. Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Be yourself. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, © Max Ehrmann 1927 When I first started with our company in sales, I asked a top sales rep what advice he would give to a new sales rep. His one piece of advice was "pitch big" you can always scale back. Over the years I've modified my approach to "sell them what they need, not what you think they'll buy." In other words, do an effective discovery fact-finding and then make a solid recommendation that's going to satisfy the customer's needs and help them reach theIr goals. If you do this, you can have confidence over the years of knowing that you did what was best for your customer, your customers will like you and trust you, and your customers will continue to buy more from you and refer you to others. Make sure that you understand the rules at work and as you go through life. Work has guidelines and rules and so does life, it's how God designed it. Every year our company has us taking an online assessment to know that we read through the code of business contact with our company. The code of business conduct is designed to help employees know the company's stand on ethics, behavIor, and what is right and wrong within in the company. Understanding the rules helps you as an employee and as a person be able to know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. It gives you boundaries that for an effective company to run are important. Make sure that you understand the rules. Read them, know them and live them...otherwise you will be subject to the outcome of disobeying or not following them. What are you taking a driving test read the rules whether it's a passport read the rules whether it's tax loss etc. or your employers rules make sure that you take the time to know them understand and apply for your long-term future. It's one way to model the way for your family and your children. Follow the rules, because having to explain your family or lying to your family on what happened when you didn't read the rules isn't worth it. Model the way and show your employer and your family that the rules are NOT meant to be broken. "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37 Don't be afraid to ask questions versus guessing the answer, doing it your way and then having to redo it which takes more time towards the project. A growing trend with young adults in the workforce and in their personal lives is if they don't understand something then they think they look dumb if they ask questions. In reality, asking questions in my opinion is a sign of intelligence and humility because you realize that you don't have all the answers. Seeking help for a problem shows that you don't have all the answers, because you don't. So if you're stuck or if you have a question, stop and ask the question to better understand the best or correct answer. It will save you time and it's a step in the right direction to model the way that in fact you truly do not know it all. |
"Modeling the Way" BlogMark A. Watkins is a Region Sales Manager in the Midwest with Rollins, Inc. and strives to Model the Way as a Sales Leader, Teacher, Visionary, Innovator, Problem Solver, Coach and Mentor. Archives
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