I was reminded yesterday of something I said several years ago when an employee resigned from where I work and decided to go somewhere else to work.
"The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's just different grass."
- Mark A. Watkins
I was reminded yesterday of something I said several years ago when an employee resigned from where I work and decided to go somewhere else to work. "The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's just different grass." - Mark A. Watkins
I believe that wisdom comes from God, from being in tune with God, and from knowing how things work. You can work to be in tune with God through prayer and reading His Word. You can increase your knowledge by reading articles, magazines, and stories; whether it's in print or online, reading can help you understand how things work best. It could be a book on marriage or relationships, a book on parenting or on the family, a book on leadership or sales, or a book from the Old or New Testiment...that adds to your knowledge or understanding. At a previous company I placed a sign by the exit doors that simply said this: "What did you learn today?" The challenge to continuously learn starts with reading and walking with God, along with having an open mind to change and grow. So I challenge you to put a sign "What did you learn today?" in a visible place to remind you to change, grow and learn something new. It's a step in the right direction to gain wisdom and model the way. "If you don't learn the lesson, life has a way of continuing to teach you the lesson." – Tony Evans, Louisville, Kentucky Every once in a while I'm reminded of the importance of staying in touch with those you love. Sometimes bad things happen to those you love and it may have been a week or two or three or four or even more, since you last spoke with them or saw them. In the hecticness of life and the fast-paced world that we live in, remember to make time to talk with and visit those you love. I encourage you to work through any differences or issues that may be lingering between you. One day, each of us will die and living with regrets is no way to live at all. Making time and having the right conversations now with those you love requires extra effort and additional planning, but it's well worth it and it's a step in the right direction of living a loving purposeful life without regret. "Remove the word try from your vocabulary. Like Yoda said: "Do or do not, there is no try." To me, try or trying is a pre-excuse or excuse which provides an individual using the word with the subconscious belief that one might not accomplish the task before they set their mind that they will make it happen. If you plan, don't assume, don't procrastinate, and pace yourself properly, you can achieve realistic and challenging tasks and win versus losing." - Mark A. Watkins The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "almost" as follows: Main Entry: 1al·most Pronunciation: \ˈȯl-ˌmōst, ȯl-ˈ\ Function: adverb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ealmǣst, from eall +mǣst most Date: before 12th century : very nearly but not exactly or entirely <we're almost there> ThIs is one of the words in the dictionary that I just don't care for. To say that you're almost there or that you almost achieved your objective or arrived at your destination to me means that you fell just short of what you wanted to do. "If you plan, don't assume, don't procrastinate, and pace yourself properly, you can achieve realistic challenging tasks and win versus losing." "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:6 The Foundation 1. Commitment...is a matter of the will. This is the 'superglue' of marriage. It's what keeps you together even when passion and intimacy are going through hard times. Commitment is strengthened when you (a) value that commitment, applying your efforts toward (b) meeting the needs of your spouse, and (c) prizing the promise he or she made when you got married. The Right Side 3. Intimacy...is the emotional side. You can cultivate intimacy by spending time together, listening with that perceptive 'third ear' and focusing on shared interests. The Left Side 2. Passion...is a physical thing. If that's lacking in your relationship, you can work on meaningful touch, mutually enjoyable experiences, and daily compliments. |
"Modeling the Way" BlogMark A. Watkins is a Region Sales Manager in the Midwest with Rollins, Inc. and strives to Model the Way as a Sales Leader, Teacher, Visionary, Innovator, Problem Solver, Coach and Mentor. Archives
August 2018
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