Growing up there was a sticker that I used to see often that read "Fear Not." The older I get and more experience I have, the more it makes sense. So many people are scared and fearful. Fear of the unknown, or maybe fear of the known. Regardless of what you think Fear Not is still a good phrase. I believe if you are confident and sure of who you are and who you are not, it is easier to step out into areas where many face fears. So be bold, be brave...and Fear Not.
It takes courage. I am reminded of the story about Dr. David Jeremiah who when faced with starting a church in Fort Wayne, IN he read an article in the "Philidelphia Inquirer" about Vince Lombardi, the fabled coach of the Green Bay Packers. (Dr David Jeremiah writes:) "He had just left Wisconsin to become head coch of the struggling Washington Redskins. It was the talk of the sports world: Why would Lombardi leave his spectacularly successful franchise in Green Bay and move to what was then the worst franchise in the NFL? What caught my attention was a line in the middle of the article - a pullout quote from the coach set in bold type: 'I have discovered in my life that it is more challenging to build than to maintain.' I finished my coffee, drove the hour back to Haddon Heights (New Jersey) and told Donna that we were moving to Fort Wayne. God had vanquished my fear of failure..."
Be bold, be brave.
Are you up for the challenge to build and grow?
Excerpts taken from: "What Are You Afraid Of? Facing Down Your Fears With Faith" By David Jeremiah