This week talk less and listen more and see if your conversations are different and end up better. When you speak in conversation see what happens if somewhere in the conversation you ask any of these three questions. 1) tell me why you think that/feel that way 2) is there anything else 3) what do you need from me right now. See if you can only speak when spoken to and also count to ten in your head (not out loud ) before you respond to anyone 's comments or questions.
Regarding improving your listening skills, use one of these three statements to improve listening 1) clear your mind and focus on the words , tone , pitch and inflection and pay attention (even if you see a squirrel playing in the back yard) so there are no distractions 2) face shoulders squared with person having conversation with 3) make consistently good eye contact during the conversation. Being able to listen more than you speak will improve your communication skills and model the way for others, those you love, and those you converse with .