Should you try and sell your friends? In today's world with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn many friends tried to sell products or services to their friends. Regardless of the product, the question is does it make sense to try and sell your friends? If you are a real estate agent, well the buying cycle is once every 5 to 10 years maybe so I'm okay with that, because I know who we would want to sell our house if we put our house up for sale so I think that's different than beauty, health, fitness, oils or all natural cleaning products.
I am excited for many of my friends that sell their services online, but I just made a rule about six years ago that I would not buy or sell products or services with my friends. It keeps our friendship intact and it doesn't cause my friends or me to want to avoid each other. I don't want to have to de-friend any friend for being too pushy with their product. Although it's happened, it just boils down to being a personal choice for me. At the end of my life I want to be surrounded with great family and friends, more than I want to push friends away by being too much with any product or service I might try to sell them. My only exception is that I will support my friend kids, that's it. This post is not meant to offend any friends pushing your wares, I just choose not to buy, so please don't ask.