Make time and prioritize what is important to you. Then, make sure you live it out. For me here are my priorities ranked in order:
Aunts / Uncles
And if you look at my life you will see it lived out. You will also see that even though my Spouse snd Children rank above my work, that in order to keep my family safe and provide for them, I do what I need to do to excel at work. I keep my priorities in balance and keep them in order. I keep vacation days available so that if I get ill or if my wife does that I have time available to take off to live out my priorities. Who would make your list of priorities and in what order? If you decide your priorities in advance, then when you are faced with a quick decision or you need to make a decision under pressure, you can decide quicker since you have already determined your personal priorities. It's the right thing to do and it models the way for those that make your priorities list.