When do you make time to talk with your spouse? Whenever you can, make sure you make time to share your life, your thoughts, and your dreams with your spouse. Over-communicate, specifically when you face busier than normal seasons of your marriage. If you travel overnight with your job, do you use iPhone FaceTime or Sykpe from the hotel to see and speak with your family? But then when do you and your spouse make additional time to talk without this kids over the phone? Use family, friends and babysitters to watch your children so you can date your spouse. Next time you are out at a restaurant look around and observe others eating. Over-communicating and investing in your marriage now can help prevent you from becoming the older couple that just eats and doesn't speak or have anything to say to each other after the kids are off to college and you become an empty nester. It's the long term investment that models the way way for other couples and is the right thing to do.
"Modeling the Way" BlogMark A. Watkins is a Region Sales Manager in the Midwest with Rollins, Inc. and strives to Model the Way as a Sales Leader, Teacher, Visionary, Innovator, Problem Solver, Coach and Mentor. Archives
August 2018
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