Eat meals together as a family. It's a family value that my family has. I appreciate being able to spend time together eating meals when I'm not at work or the kids are in school. It gives us a chance to be able to ask about each other's day and share what happened including the great parts, bad parts if any, and any challenges. Making time to eat together and making it a priority on a consistent basis is the best part of my day.
During the week at my home, thanks to my wife, dinner is on the table at the same specific time everyday. I know that if I want to spend time eating with my family that I have to be home when dinner is served or I will miss eating dinner with my family. So I work to make sure that I'm there for that because it is one of the best parts of my day. So make time to eat together as a family and spend time together creating great memories. After all, it's the right thing to do and models the way for others.