At what point in time did you become a man or woman? For me, 10 years ago on Thanksgiving Day, on November 27, 2003 my father fell and hit his head in a freak accident and had traumatic brain injury, slipped into a comma and never came out. He passed away on December 18, 2003 and for me that is when I can look back and determine that I grew up and saw myself as a man. It was a defining time for me because I never really thought much about my dad not being there. After all he was only 65 years old, but you don't get to pick when it's time for you to go and neither do your parents. Think back, at what point in time did you grow up and move from being a boy to becoming a man or move from being a girl to becoming a woman? It was a very difficult time for me as I'm sure it was for anyone reading this who has lost a parent or both of their parents. Make sure you get to know your parents while they are around. Ask them any questions you want to know about their family, ancestors or childhood growing up. Mend the relationship if you need to now and don't wait, because you don't want to have any regrets once they are gone. Tell them you love them and how thankful you are for them in your life and spend time with them now. Growing up and becoming an adult is a significant time in your life. Sit down and reflect when did you grow up? What is your definition of a man or a woman? After my father passed away, I took a class at my church, Men's Fraternity, and learned what I believe is the best definition of manhood. A man rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and expects the greater reward - God's reward. The New Eve book defines womanhood as: Rejects worldly temptation, Expects the greater reward, Actively pursues God's priorities, and Lovingly nurtures the next generation.
So ask yourself, have you grown up? Based on these Biblical definitions from Dr. Robert E. Lewis have you reached manhood or womanhood?
I believe understanding these Biblical definitions and striving to live them out is a big piece of modeling the way for the next generation and the right thing to do.