Make sure to plan some teambuilding events. With my previous compsny, The Berry Company, we called those fun flashes. The idea was you would flash your sales numbers and then celebrate with a team building event of having some iced cold beverages, some appetizers, an occasional fun activity, and always som great comraderie. The original Berry Company no longer exists, after Southwestern Bell bought AT&T, then changed its name to AT&T and bought BellSouth, which The Berry Company was owned by. AT&T sold off one-third of The Berry Company to Local Insight Regatta Holdings and kept the other two-thirds of The Berry Company. AT&T renamed the part they kept internally for payroll purposes as L.M. Berry Co. after the company founder, Mr. Loren M. Berry. That ended and era, just 2-years short of The Berry Company's 100th anniversary. To the public the go-to name has since been AT&T Advertising & Publishing and and just before and after AT&T sold their controlling share to the private equity firm, Cerberus, it has market the company as YP, with their flagship website being
In memory of all of the outstanding leaders from The Berry Company that invested in me and my development, I will carry on with the tradition, purpose and name of monthly "fun flashes" to celebrate our team's successes and wins. I learned many best practices and the "fun flashes" will carry on where ever my path may take me. After all, it's the right thing to do in the models the way for others.