Having rules helps guide you what to do and what not to do. I recently watched the movie, "People Like Us" and the main character Sam shares the following 6 Rules of Life (adapted for my site) that he learned from his father:
"The six rules of life.
1. If you like something because you think other people are going to like it, it's a sure bet no one will.
2. Most doors in the world are closed so if you find one you want to get into, you dang well better have an interesting knock.
3. Everything that you think is important isn't. Everything that you think is unimportant is.
4. Don't poop where you eat.
5. Lean into it.
6. Don't date people who have more problems than you do."
Do you have rules established for your family? What are your family values? What life lessons or rules do you want to pass onto your children. Sit down and craft them with your spouse. It could be a great date night activity, that will bring you closer, be a fun activity, and put down into words what life lessons you want to pass onto your children. It's the right thing to do and it models the way for those you love.